Frequently Asked Question

How to request certificate revocation from TAP?
Last Updated 5 years ago

In order to request revocation of your digital certificate from MCR, please go to your Taxpayer Admin Portal (TAP) and:

1. Go to your locations, click to VIEW location where your certificate is:


2. Select UID of certificate you wish to revoke (you will see all active and revoked certificates):


3. Click on the button "Request Revocation"


4.Enter the reason why you are requesting this certificate to be revoked, for example "Closing location", "reducing number of sales points", "Stolen equipment", "Compromised security"... or other.


5. After confirmation, you receive notice that revoke request has been sent to MCR


6. When looking at the list of UIDs again, you will see that request has been sent to MCR and waiting for approval. The status will change after MCR approves.


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