Frequently Asked Question

When is the deadline to meet compliance requirements for taxpayers?
Last Updated 2 years ago

Implementation of TIMS will be rolled out in two (2) phases, which means each Group is given a different time period to comply with the requirements under the Regulations. Therefore, as required under regulation 29, each group must comply with the requirements under the Regulations no later than:

  • 31st July 2022 - Group 1
  • 30th January 2023 - Group 2

While regulation 16 provides that registration only takes place after accreditation has been granted by the Commissioner, to ensure compliance is fulfilled within the above time frame each Group is encouraged to voluntarily register now.

Each Group is required to go through the main provisions of the Regulations in order to fully understand the requirements and obligations that must be complied with for a successful implementation of TIMS.

Click here to access the main provisions of the Regulations.

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