Frequently Asked Question

What is the purpose of the Admin SE and POS SE smart cards?
Last Updated 4 years ago

Admin SE (smart card) is the primary secure element issued to a taxpayer or another authorized person. It is issued on a smart card and is used for login access to the Taxpayer Administration Portal (TAP), giving its user full access to all of the TAP features. Admin Secure Element can also be used to issue TIMS compliant fiscal invoices using E-SDC or Web Invoicing. However, it is recommended that every taxpayer keeps the Admin Secure Element safe and limits its use for the purpose of managing TAP only.

POS SE (smart card) is used as a component of an EFD for standard operations of issuing and signing invoices. Each POS component of an EFD which is using an E-SDC (or V-SDC in some cases) requires an additional secure element issued by MCR. These additional secure elements are called POS Secure Elements. They are issued on demand - taxpayers need to make a request through the Taxpayer Administration Portal (TAP) – and can be issued on a smart card (for E-SDC) or in a file (for V-SDC). Just like Admin Secure Elements, they can be used to log in to TAP, but the access will be limited to Web Invoicing only.

Both smart cards require a PIN code. The PIN is chosen by a taxpayer or another authorized person

  • on the TIMS portal during the fiscalization enrolment process (Admin SE), or
  • on TAP while requesting an additional POS smart card (POS SE).

Each smart card (both Admin SE and POS SE) is uniquely identified by a UID - Unique Identifier, consisting of 8 alphanumerical characters.

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